Macedonian Bursary for Cork Poets

Ends on

The Munster Literature Centre will provide annual sponsorship of 750 euro as follows:

250 reading fee to a Cork poet
500 euro in funds to PNV to defray accommodation and translation costs connected to the participation by a Cork city or county resident poet in the Velestovo Nights Poetry Festival (each August).

The Cork poet must be a poet who has not read at a Macedonian poetry festival already. The Cork poet must have published at least one poetry chapbook, either published by a reputable publisher or a self-published chapbook reviewed in a reputable outlet.

From all eligible applicants the poet receiving the bursary will be chosen by Juliana Velickovska, director of PNV publishing and Velestovo Nights Poetry Festival.

The chosen poet must subsequently make an application to Culture Ireland for funds to cover travel expenses. The Munster Literature Centre can provide advice in the composition of the Culture Ireland grant application by the poet and will monitor the progress of their application.


Applicant poets writing in Irish or English must supply a literary CV and the texts of ten poems (Irish language poems should come with cribs or translations into English, as the applications will be assessed by Ms. Velickovska) combined in a single word document. Ms. Velickovska will select  at least five poems by the chosen poet to be translated into Macedonian for the purposes of presentation at the festival, both as spoken word and in print. The Cork poet must be in a position to grant rights (at no further cost) to their poems for this purpose.


October 31st Deadline for receipt of applications.
November 30th Ms. Velickovska will communicate her choice of poet to the Munster Literature Centre who will inform the poet. The poet must then prepare an application to Culture Ireland for travel funding for submission by February 6th ( the first funding round of the year). Failure by the poet to apply by this date will cause the offer to that poet to be withdrawn and allow the contingency of a late funding application by another poet.


We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.